August 7, 2013

Please God!

Tonight I am pleading with God to please move mountains.

We are emotionally spent.

We had our VISA appointment today and all went well, other than 2 documents being needed.  Well, as we go to look into these two documents, there seems to be bigger issues surrounding them.

So we are asking that you pray on our behalf...tomorrow and Friday.

The embassy is closed tomorrow for a holiday so we are not able to speak to anyone until Friday about this paperwork.

We know that God is going before us, but we are tired.  Just plain tired.  I feel like I have very little fight left in energy.  We're homesick, although Chris's mom is here with us (which is awesome!)

I do trust that God is in control, but we need all of you prayer warriors lifting us up in prayer.  Please spread the word to lift us up in prayer this Thursday evening.



  1. Praying and delighting in the fact that God is able, he is with us and through Him all things are possible.

  2. Praying girl..... I understand that weariness. GOD IS with YOU!!

  3. April and Chris, I know you are both exhausted! Praying for you all! God is able and willing. Hang in there! You will be home soon with those beautiful boys!!! Love you both.

  4. Praying for you April and Chris! Love you!!

  5. Praying for you, sister!
    I wait for the Lord , my soul waits, and in his word I hope; Psalm 130:5

  6. Praying for you guys! Jen Tucker posted on the City, so know that many people are lifting up your beautiful family!

  7. Praying for you and your family! Jonah keeps asking about when you and the boys will be home...needless to say he is excited to meet his neighbors!
