April 29, 2012

A Little Bit Funky

Wanted to share this special gift made for us...

So as you know, we are almost at our adoption fundraising goal and wanted to share an awesome fundraiser that was so graciously and uniquely created for our adoption.

Artist Crystal Johnson, from Charlottesville and the designer / artist for the website A Little Bit Funky, created a unique and one-of-a-kind piece of artwork for Chris and I.  She is one of the MOST talented and creative designers I've seen recently.

A few months ago, she asked us what our favorite verse was and said she would create something that we could sell to raise money.  Crystal shared that she wanted us to be the first family that she helped support through her artwork.  Needless to say, we were floored by her generous and so special gift.

If you love Africa or just love the print, we are selling a 8x10 photo print for $20 (price includes shipping and print/packaging costs), or $15 if hand delivered.  People have asked how to pay:

You can donate on our Paypal button, but make sure your address is updated so we can send you a print.  Or if you want to send a check, you can email me directly at aprilannhoffman@gmail.com and I can email you our address. 

Framed so you could see what it looks like. 
As we finish up this fundraising, we wanted to share some fun news that we are hoping to travel to Uganda on a Missions Trip this summer.  We have really thought and prayed long about how we could be using this "waiting" period to its fullest, and we feel like God is calling us to travel this summer.  We want to know more about Uganda, see some orphanages first-hand, maybe visit some clinics or visit some villages, and just experience the Ugandan people!  Both Chris and I don't want our first trip to Uganda to be when we adopt - and nor do we want it to be our last.

Please pray that if God wants for us to go, that He will help make all the pieces fit in place.  

Oh and be sure to check out the website A Little Bit Funky or check out Crystal's work on Etsy... http://www.etsy.com/shop/littlebitfunky

April & Chris

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