I had high hopes to be able to blog each day, but with jet lag, intermittent wifi access, and just plain needing quiet time to pause and reflect on what we've seen and experienced, I've gotten behind.
Here's a quick photo I took with my phone of the town where we are staying.
Ggaba Rd. - we walked 15 minutes on this road to get to church |
After we arrived at our hotel, Pastor Samuel of Return Ministries stopped by to check on us and share more about his ministry. We ended up jumping in his van to take a tour of downtown Kampala which we hadn’t seen. This was unreal- just scores of people on both sides of the street the whole way downtown and people selling things to everyone sitting in traffic. And not to mention the driving is CRAZY! The big mode of transportation here is the "boda - boda" (small motorcycle) and let me tell you- they are crazy. I have video footage to show you later. They drive on the left, and it feels as if it is a free-for-all, but we’re told there is “order” to the madness. The “boda-boda” just shimmy between cars and sometimes they are carrying three people on them. Nuts!
My emotions have been all over the place the past few days…
The first night, I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking to myself – “What in the world am I doing here? Can I go home? Um… Nope! (as my 2-year old nephew says) – I’m halfway around the world and I can’t get home.” I think I had my first moment of anxiousness / culture shock, mixed with jet lag.
But I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and excited to explore. And as the day progressed, I began to let my guard down a little bit more and began to take in the surroundings. We decided to walk down to the local church and it was amazing! We passed many people along the way, but most would not wave unless we waved first. Then we would get the biggest smile ever! Once we arrived at church, we were greeted so warmly by everyone. It was a more contemporary service and they sang some of the same praise & worship songs we sing at Portico. They also sang and preached in their native language – Luganda, and English. When they sang in Lugandan, it was the most awe-filled moment of our day! I can’t wait for you to see the video.
Pastor Peter preached about using our God given talents to do His work and that God has equipped us all with different spiritual gifts. He also said that God often wants to help us develop those gifts. He quoted many scriptures, but one that stands out is Romans 8:28-“For we know all things God works for good for those who love him according to his purpose.” This was an encouraging sermon to hear on Day 1 of our trip – YES Lord!
But it made me think – what are my “gifts”? Have I really sat down to think about what I can offer to people – what I’m good at? It’s hard to do. I feel that one of my gifts is my passion for people. So going on this trip – serving others, spending time with people – is my passion. But am I really being of any use? One of my fears is that I'm only serving ME.
Yet, on the plane ride over, I began reading a book titled “Go and Do” by Jay Milbrandt- and one thing that he said that struck me was this…
“When it comes to our desire to go and do, the first thing we must realize is that it’s not about changing the world. Instead, it’s about changing ourselves. And the great thing is that if we allow God to change us, then along the way, he allows us to change the lives of those we encounter. It always starts with us- with God working in us.”
God has been changing both Chris and I through each encounter and experience we have. We have seen his intricate planning in every detail of this trip - from our hotel waitress Ruth - to some American volunteers from Visiting Orphans, to Francis and Adrienne, ministry leaders we met at church. He’s been providing for our needs during this trip and it is evident. Pastor Samuel said to me… “Thank you for coming. It is one thing to send money, but to be present is another.”
So even if we don’t move mountains, change is happening.
Please continue to pray for our health & safety. Please also pray for our the children and families we are meeting and serving this week.
April & Chris